proof that Morrissey is behind MorrisseysWorld

This blog shows you the proof that Morrissey is behind MorrisseysWorld or which has now been running since 2009 but with a long break until early 2011. The blog has been referred to by morrissey at a live concert in London, he has made the blog's predictions come true and it has even been covered by the UK Observer and mentioned by morrissey not once but TWICE! - WRONG! THREE TIMES as of 14th sep! THREE TIMES!

Here I'm going to present the evidence that it is Morrissye's blog

AND current pledges made by the blog and comment on when they come true.

That way people will be able to see for themselves as evidence builds. Many of us are already convinced, especially since Moz appeared on twitter as @Morrisseysworld.

Monday 19 March 2012

Finally Morrissey proves he's MorrisseysWorld

Here are the pledges Morrissey would appear with a red rose or white rose (there were over 5 on twitter and blog):

1 Pledge to close and reopen if red rose worn - 15 oct 2011
2 Incitement to wear red or white rose
3 further #sign' of blog reopening if moz wears red rose
4 most recent pledge just 8 days ago and a few days before morrissey held up red rose live saying blog would CLOSE and reopen ONLY if he appeared with red rose or other agreed signs

here's the post:

Sunday, 11 March 2012

NB Please note this site remains 'closed' and will not post any further parody articles, save for the Tour Diaries. Then it will cease and desist from posting ANY messages until such a time as Morrissey gives one of the 'three signs'

1 He appears with a white, red or blue rose
2 He wears a Justin Bieber, The Cure, Britney Spears or Atomic Kitten t-shirt
3 He says the words 'MorrisseysWorld' at a live concert


at the Colombian concert he accepted a red rose and held it up while singing, therefore 'appearing' with it. This is what the blog always said - give your red rose ot moz or throw it on stage and he will appear with it.

here's the PROOF

Of course the fools will still doubt, the journalists will all explain it away


MorrisseysWorld IS Morrissey! He HAS appeared with the rose.

Why would he do so if it's not him and he must know the website has been plegding he'd appear with a red rose for MONTHS!! He denied 4 times writing it so he can't claim ignorance!