MorrisseysWorld is moz - it really is Morrissey!
proof that Morrissey is behind MorrisseysWorld
This blog shows you the proof that Morrissey is behind MorrisseysWorld or which has now been running since 2009 but with a long break until early 2011. The blog has been referred to by morrissey at a live concert in London, he has made the blog's predictions come true and it has even been covered by the UK Observer and mentioned by morrissey not once but TWICE! - WRONG! THREE TIMES as of 14th sep! THREE TIMES!
Here I'm going to present the evidence that it is Morrissye's blog
AND current pledges made by the blog and comment on when they come true.
That way people will be able to see for themselves as evidence builds. Many of us are already convinced, especially since Moz appeared on twitter as @Morrisseysworld.
Here I'm going to present the evidence that it is Morrissye's blog
AND current pledges made by the blog and comment on when they come true.
That way people will be able to see for themselves as evidence builds. Many of us are already convinced, especially since Moz appeared on twitter as @Morrisseysworld.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
1 moz denies it's his blog when noone knows it exists
2 moz fulfils shirt pledge unexpectedly and quotes justin bieber from never say never tour 1 week after blog posts on here reviews never say never dvd - proven
3 kitty empire of bbc accuses morrissey of running blog
4 morrisey denies it's him a second time!
5 blog says us tour imminent, a couple of days later us tour announced
6 blog says moz will 'appear' with white rose - 2 weeks later magazine released features linder and has white rose by morrissey's name in article!
7 blog posts weir collage or celebrities with hands cupped into strange shape, thought to be masonic symbol. Bieber had both hands cupped around eyes like binoculars. 1 month later Morrissey adopts the same pose as bieber and morrisseysworlder photographs it from the audience!
8 you'd think by now the world would be convinced - but no!
9 moz denies it's him a third time!!!!!
10 morrisseysworld tweeets that YOR is my finest album on 26th dec 2011
11 on 27th dec 2011 moz posts list of finest albums with yor at number 1 - i mean come the fuck on!
12 morrisseysworld tweets he might well tour argentina - 1 wek later highly unexpected argentinian dates announced!
13 morrissey denies it's him for a 4ht time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 morrissey STILL hasn't got the site shut down btw, and he still KEEPS making its pledges come true.
15 back in 2011 mw blogged a joke that he might wear his finger plaster even after his finger has healed to symbolise personal suffering of journey. on early 2012 tour dates he had no plaster off stage but wore it on stage
16 boz boorer in french maid's outfit for a year on this blog.. in 2012 moz has him dressed in drag
17 the blog posts a huge collage of more celebs doing the strange hand sign.....
18 it says moz is the all seeing eye and posts a pic of him doing it
19 at the next show moz does the sign blatantly like never before, closes one eye and holds it up in front of his face, then he pulls a face and sgtares at his hand lilke he didn't make his hand just do that!!!!
21 so he does it again TWICE at the next show!
22 we later find out he picked up a red rose in pomonta, fulfilling that elusive red rose pledge!!!!! He fulfilled it, reopening the blog!
23 then he closes down blog in absence of a white rose or other specific signs.. 6 days later morrissey PICKS UP A WHITE ROSE!!! watch it all on the list of prophecies on morrisseysworld
24 moz denies 4 times it's his blog - this was actually predicted on the blog if you look
25 moz denied it's his blog during an interview - that was one of the suggested ways of proving it was him during the mz poll!!!
26 boz boorer (official) tweeted mw
27 mw has now exchanged 5 or 6 tweets with kristeen young, his support on this tour! Just look!
28 the morrissey facebook page makes a reference to mw by joking about 'coincidences'
29 moz refers to kristeen as having legs and arms of plywood - reference to log lady
list goes on and on and on....
30 tie with blue rose 3 days after log lady said he'd be photographed smiling (he was) with blue rose
31 sign for blog to continue = band with lump of wood, wearing 'cosh' t shirts (cosh = lump of wood!)
32 tty letter mentioning roses.
33 after months of morrisseysworld asking "who exactly is morrisseysworld?" moz asks "who is morrissey?" with tour photograph
WOW - This is getting ridiculous!!!!!
Friday, 18 May 2012
More amazing coincidences!
After we keep asking 'who IS Morrisseysworld?' Moz appears with Wilde photograph says 'Who is Morrissey?'
Drag Boz tweeted about Manc Lad (long time MW follower) delivering his expensive blue rose to Moz at Singapore and siad they were looking forward to it!
What happens?
Moz spends ages picking up gifts from people close to the front and appears to be waiting for something - when no blue rose is delivered, he shrugs!!
above is the youtube link to the clip!
Next moz gives an exclusive interview to the rats back from
he is asked about the court case
his answer is
exactly 4 hours later the answer to this question appears on official morrissey site true to you.
Just another coincidence? HOW could anyone know? All just coincidences??
This is insane
shirt removal pledge fulfilled
quote of bieber live
foreknowledge of US tour schedule
foreknowledge of argentinian tour dates
promise of one off dates, including england - france to come?
promised to appear 'with' white rose before christmas - article published by linder sterling featuring moz next to large white rose
promises to appear with white or red rose more literally before Xmas - a few weeks later he picks a red rose from audience, sniffs it, sneezes, and runs off stage laughing!
still nobody believes...
just after christmas he announces greatest album is YOR.. 24 h later same opinion on TTY
strange collage featuring 'owl eyes' pose posted on MW blog... 3 weeks later he replicates this at Conan recording..
strange collage posted on MW with OK signs..
next show he does OK sign VERY blatantly, looks at hand and acts like his hand did it automatically!
MW blog CLOSES.. says will ONLY reopen if moz appears with red or white rose or wother specific signs..
AT NEXT SHOW he gives OK signs and runs to pick out single white rose from audience, singing "my soul" while he plucks it.. reference to Wilde short story??
next Moz does the above...
did we even mention the other small coincidences?
other news - Boy george ranked him greatest twitter account... see
ame lame put red and white flowers in her unhappy birthday show in honor of MW!!
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Morrissey continues to make reference to morrisseysworld blogspot!!
The world never notices!
In October 2011, Morrissey wrote a long blog article about how Justin Bieber STOLE the ehart symbol and how he would like to reclaim it!
Here is the article featuring many pictures of heart symbols and celebrities doing it.
Below are two pictures of Morrissey in heart poses from the blog and here is another article mentioning it!
and now morrissey appears singing last night i dreamt (featured prominently on one of the links above 'debate of greatest love song') with many light hearts in the backdrop!
View on YouTube
View on YouTube
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Morrissey puts pic of Boz dressed as a geisha on blog yesterday... tweets boz boorer official with boz as geisha... tweets "Boz as a geisha? You're giving me ideas-' then Morrissey introduces Boz was a 'beautiful Geisha.'
This is just another coincidence though - more info as it comes.
we got a pledge of a white or red rose before christmas - fulfilled
we got another white rose picked to reopen the blog 7 or 8 days after it shut 'pending a white, blue or red rose', we got the strange hand symbols.. the coincidences go on and on. If you care about Morrissey, read them and realize it is him behind the blog!!!!!
How many 'coincidences' does it require??!!
we got a pledge of a white or red rose before christmas - fulfilled
we got another white rose picked to reopen the blog 7 or 8 days after it shut 'pending a white, blue or red rose', we got the strange hand symbols.. the coincidences go on and on. If you care about Morrissey, read them and realize it is him behind the blog!!!!!
How many 'coincidences' does it require??!!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Morrissey has been busy with his blog!!!! AMAZING REVELATIONS!!!! did you know the ONLY missing PLEDGE was actually FULFILLED!!!!!!?!?!? we all missed the red rose at a US show in 2011. Look at the video below. Morrissey actually fulfilled his red/white rose pledge back in 2011 before he did it again in 2012!
HOW DID WE ALL MISS THIS?!?! every pledge fulfilled!!!!!!
Look at the amazing list in full!!
That's just the pledges!!
Here's a list of all the bizarre coincidences (things done or said on blog later implemented by moz)
1 moz denies it's his blog when noone knows it exists
2 moz fulfils shirt pledge unexpectedly and quotes justin bieber from never say never tour 1 week after blog posts on here reviews never say never dvd - proven
3 kitty empire of bbc accuses morrissey of running blog
4 morrisey denies it's him a second time!
5 blog says us tour imminent, a couple of days later us tour announced
6 blog says moz will 'appear' with white rose - 2 weeks later magazine released features linder and has white rose by morrissey's name in article!
7 blog posts weir collage or celebrities with hands cupped into strange shape, thought to be masonic symbol. Bieber had both hands cupped around eyes like binoculars. 1 month later Morrissey adopts the same pose as bieber and morrisseysworlder photographs it from the audience!
8 you'd think by now the world would be convinced - but no!
9 moz denies it's him a third time!!!!!
10 morrisseysworld tweeets that YOR is my finest album on 26th dec 2011
11 on 27th dec 2011 moz posts list of finest albums with yor at number 1 - i mean come the fuck on!
12 morrisseysworld tweets he might well tour argentina - 1 wek later highly unexpected argentinian dates announced!
13 morrissey denies it's him for a 4ht time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 morrissey STILL hasn't got the site shut down btw, and he still KEEPS making its pledges come true.
15 back in 2011 mw blogged a joke that he might wear his finger plaster even after his finger has healed to symbolise personal suffering of journey. on early 2012 tour dates he had no plaster off stage but wore it on stage
16 boz boorer in french maid's outfit for a year on this blog.. in 2012 moz has him dressed in drag
17 the blog posts a huge collage of more celebs doing the strange hand sign.....
18 it says moz is the all seeing eye and posts a pic of him doing it
19 at the next show moz does the sign blatantly like never before, closes one eye and holds it up in front of his face, then he pulls a face and sgtares at his hand lilke he didn't make his hand just do that!!!!
21 so he does it again TWICE at the next show!
22 we later find out he picked up a red rose in pomonta, fulfilling that elusive red rose pledge!!!!! He fulfilled it, reopening the blog!
23 then he closes down blog in absence of a white rose or other specific signs.. 6 days later morrissey PICKS UP A WHITE ROSE!!! watch it all on the list of prophecies on morrisseysworld
24 moz denies 4 times it's his blog - this was actually predicted on the blog if you look
25 moz denied it's his blog during an interview - that was one of the suggested ways of proving it was him during the mz poll!!!
26 boz boorer (official) tweeted mw
27 mw has now exchanged 5 or 6 tweets with kristeen young, his support on this tour! Just look!
28 the morrissey facebook page makes a reference to mw by joking about 'coincidences'
29 moz refers to kristeen as having legs and arms of plywood - reference to log lady
list goes on and on and on....
read this whole blog and you will see the obvious proof it's morrissey or at elast someone he knows.
HOW DID WE ALL MISS THIS?!?! every pledge fulfilled!!!!!!
Look at the amazing list in full!!
That's just the pledges!!
Here's a list of all the bizarre coincidences (things done or said on blog later implemented by moz)
1 moz denies it's his blog when noone knows it exists
2 moz fulfils shirt pledge unexpectedly and quotes justin bieber from never say never tour 1 week after blog posts on here reviews never say never dvd - proven
3 kitty empire of bbc accuses morrissey of running blog
4 morrisey denies it's him a second time!
5 blog says us tour imminent, a couple of days later us tour announced
6 blog says moz will 'appear' with white rose - 2 weeks later magazine released features linder and has white rose by morrissey's name in article!
7 blog posts weir collage or celebrities with hands cupped into strange shape, thought to be masonic symbol. Bieber had both hands cupped around eyes like binoculars. 1 month later Morrissey adopts the same pose as bieber and morrisseysworlder photographs it from the audience!
8 you'd think by now the world would be convinced - but no!
9 moz denies it's him a third time!!!!!
10 morrisseysworld tweeets that YOR is my finest album on 26th dec 2011
11 on 27th dec 2011 moz posts list of finest albums with yor at number 1 - i mean come the fuck on!
12 morrisseysworld tweets he might well tour argentina - 1 wek later highly unexpected argentinian dates announced!
13 morrissey denies it's him for a 4ht time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 morrissey STILL hasn't got the site shut down btw, and he still KEEPS making its pledges come true.
15 back in 2011 mw blogged a joke that he might wear his finger plaster even after his finger has healed to symbolise personal suffering of journey. on early 2012 tour dates he had no plaster off stage but wore it on stage
16 boz boorer in french maid's outfit for a year on this blog.. in 2012 moz has him dressed in drag
17 the blog posts a huge collage of more celebs doing the strange hand sign.....
18 it says moz is the all seeing eye and posts a pic of him doing it
19 at the next show moz does the sign blatantly like never before, closes one eye and holds it up in front of his face, then he pulls a face and sgtares at his hand lilke he didn't make his hand just do that!!!!
21 so he does it again TWICE at the next show!
22 we later find out he picked up a red rose in pomonta, fulfilling that elusive red rose pledge!!!!! He fulfilled it, reopening the blog!
23 then he closes down blog in absence of a white rose or other specific signs.. 6 days later morrissey PICKS UP A WHITE ROSE!!! watch it all on the list of prophecies on morrisseysworld
24 moz denies 4 times it's his blog - this was actually predicted on the blog if you look
25 moz denied it's his blog during an interview - that was one of the suggested ways of proving it was him during the mz poll!!!
26 boz boorer (official) tweeted mw
27 mw has now exchanged 5 or 6 tweets with kristeen young, his support on this tour! Just look!
28 the morrissey facebook page makes a reference to mw by joking about 'coincidences'
29 moz refers to kristeen as having legs and arms of plywood - reference to log lady
list goes on and on and on....
read this whole blog and you will see the obvious proof it's morrissey or at elast someone he knows.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Funny - it turns out the rose was WHITE which still fulfills the sign for red OR white rose - and it was photographed as red due to the lighting - so it's actually two signs for the price of one!
Now watch here at MorrisseysWorld and look closely
then he goes over to the crowd and deliberately takes a white rose from the audience... overjoyed to receive it
So it's all over the press, right? Not quite.. LOL
Boy george tweeted that there's 'no argument' it's Moz folling on from the rose sign and it seems he might even wear a MorrisseysWorld is Moz t shirt!
Nicolo Festa from UK X Factor tweeted 'i don't even know who you are sweetie' to Moz. WHen Moz replied, Festa tweeted 'you're cute.'
Well, I might give up on this blog. It's frustrating when you know something and NOBODY listens --- is this the lesson of MW???!?!
Now watch here at MorrisseysWorld and look closely
then he goes over to the crowd and deliberately takes a white rose from the audience... overjoyed to receive it
So it's all over the press, right? Not quite.. LOL
Boy george tweeted that there's 'no argument' it's Moz folling on from the rose sign and it seems he might even wear a MorrisseysWorld is Moz t shirt!
Nicolo Festa from UK X Factor tweeted 'i don't even know who you are sweetie' to Moz. WHen Moz replied, Festa tweeted 'you're cute.'
Well, I might give up on this blog. It's frustrating when you know something and NOBODY listens --- is this the lesson of MW???!?!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Finally Morrissey proves he's MorrisseysWorld
Here are the pledges Morrissey would appear with a red rose or white rose (there were over 5 on twitter and blog):
1 Pledge to close and reopen if red rose worn - 15 oct 2011
2 Incitement to wear red or white rose
3 further #sign' of blog reopening if moz wears red rose
4 most recent pledge just 8 days ago and a few days before morrissey held up red rose live saying blog would CLOSE and reopen ONLY if he appeared with red rose or other agreed signs
here's the post:
Sunday, 11 March 2012
NB Please note this site remains 'closed' and will not post any further parody articles, save for the Tour Diaries. Then it will cease and desist from posting ANY messages until such a time as Morrissey gives one of the 'three signs'
1 He appears with a white, red or blue rose
2 He wears a Justin Bieber, The Cure, Britney Spears or Atomic Kitten t-shirt
3 He says the words 'MorrisseysWorld' at a live concert
at the Colombian concert he accepted a red rose and held it up while singing, therefore 'appearing' with it. This is what the blog always said - give your red rose ot moz or throw it on stage and he will appear with it.
here's the PROOF
Of course the fools will still doubt, the journalists will all explain it away
MorrisseysWorld IS Morrissey! He HAS appeared with the rose.
Why would he do so if it's not him and he must know the website has been plegding he'd appear with a red rose for MONTHS!! He denied 4 times writing it so he can't claim ignorance!
1 Pledge to close and reopen if red rose worn - 15 oct 2011
2 Incitement to wear red or white rose
3 further #sign' of blog reopening if moz wears red rose
4 most recent pledge just 8 days ago and a few days before morrissey held up red rose live saying blog would CLOSE and reopen ONLY if he appeared with red rose or other agreed signs
here's the post:
Sunday, 11 March 2012
NB Please note this site remains 'closed' and will not post any further parody articles, save for the Tour Diaries. Then it will cease and desist from posting ANY messages until such a time as Morrissey gives one of the 'three signs'
1 He appears with a white, red or blue rose
2 He wears a Justin Bieber, The Cure, Britney Spears or Atomic Kitten t-shirt
3 He says the words 'MorrisseysWorld' at a live concert
at the Colombian concert he accepted a red rose and held it up while singing, therefore 'appearing' with it. This is what the blog always said - give your red rose ot moz or throw it on stage and he will appear with it.
here's the PROOF
Of course the fools will still doubt, the journalists will all explain it away
MorrisseysWorld IS Morrissey! He HAS appeared with the rose.
Why would he do so if it's not him and he must know the website has been plegding he'd appear with a red rose for MONTHS!! He denied 4 times writing it so he can't claim ignorance!
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
WOw! so much has happened - MOrrissey echoes the strange post on the blog about being the all seeing eye by making an OBVIOUS reference to the blog TWICE in one concert!!! Then he did it again in the next concert!
look here's the strange post
then he does this in his next two concerts!
if doesn't show up, just click on youtube to view
you might think the whole world would now be flocking to the blog and twitter! Nah they concluded based on this it's definitely NOT Morrissey!!!
Who said morrissey fans were smart?
I'll post all the evidence soon that proves morrisseysworld is morrissey!!
here's a summary, all cited elsewhere in this blog!
1 moz denies it's his blog when noone knows it exists
2 moz fulfils shirt pledge unexpectedly and quotes justin bieber from never say never tour 1 week after blog posts on here reviews never say never dvd - proven
3 kitty empire of bbc accuses morrissey of running blog
4 morrisey denies it's him a second time!
5 blog says us tour imminent, a couple of days later us tour announced
6 blog says moz will 'appear' with white rose - 2 weeks later magazine released features linder and has white rose by morrissey's name in article!
7 blog posts weir collage or celebrities with hands cupped into strange shape, thought to be masonic symbol. Bieber had both hands cupped around eyes like binoculars. 1 month later Morrissey adopts the same pose as bieber and morrisseysworlder photographs it from the audience!
8 you'd think by now the world would be convinced - but no!
9 moz denies it's him a third time!!!!!
10 morrisseysworld tweeets that YOR is my finest album on 26th dec 2011
11 on 27th dec 2011 moz posts list of finest albums with yor at number 1 - i mean come the fuck on!
12 morrisseysworld tweets he might well tour argentina - 1 wek later highly unexpected argentinian dates announced!
13 morrissey denies it's him for a 4ht time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 morrissey STILL hasn't got the site shut down btw, and he still KEEPS making its pledges come true.
15 back in 2011 mw blogged a joke that he might wear his finger plaster even after his finger has healed to symbolise personal suffering of journey. on early 2012 tour dates he had no plaster off stage but wore it on stage
16 boz boorer in french maid's outfit for a year on this blog.. in 2012 moz has him dressed in drag
17 the blog posts a huge collage of more celebs doing the strange hand sign.....
18 it says moz is the all seeing eye and posts a pic of him doing it
19 at the next show moz does the sign blatantly like never before, closes one eye and holds it up in front of his face, then he pulls a face and sgtares at his hand lilke he didn't make his hand just do that!!!!
21 so he does it again TWICE at the next show!
look here's the strange post
then he does this in his next two concerts!
if doesn't show up, just click on youtube to view
you might think the whole world would now be flocking to the blog and twitter! Nah they concluded based on this it's definitely NOT Morrissey!!!
Who said morrissey fans were smart?
I'll post all the evidence soon that proves morrisseysworld is morrissey!!
here's a summary, all cited elsewhere in this blog!
1 moz denies it's his blog when noone knows it exists
2 moz fulfils shirt pledge unexpectedly and quotes justin bieber from never say never tour 1 week after blog posts on here reviews never say never dvd - proven
3 kitty empire of bbc accuses morrissey of running blog
4 morrisey denies it's him a second time!
5 blog says us tour imminent, a couple of days later us tour announced
6 blog says moz will 'appear' with white rose - 2 weeks later magazine released features linder and has white rose by morrissey's name in article!
7 blog posts weir collage or celebrities with hands cupped into strange shape, thought to be masonic symbol. Bieber had both hands cupped around eyes like binoculars. 1 month later Morrissey adopts the same pose as bieber and morrisseysworlder photographs it from the audience!
8 you'd think by now the world would be convinced - but no!
9 moz denies it's him a third time!!!!!
10 morrisseysworld tweeets that YOR is my finest album on 26th dec 2011
11 on 27th dec 2011 moz posts list of finest albums with yor at number 1 - i mean come the fuck on!
12 morrisseysworld tweets he might well tour argentina - 1 wek later highly unexpected argentinian dates announced!
13 morrissey denies it's him for a 4ht time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 morrissey STILL hasn't got the site shut down btw, and he still KEEPS making its pledges come true.
15 back in 2011 mw blogged a joke that he might wear his finger plaster even after his finger has healed to symbolise personal suffering of journey. on early 2012 tour dates he had no plaster off stage but wore it on stage
16 boz boorer in french maid's outfit for a year on this blog.. in 2012 moz has him dressed in drag
17 the blog posts a huge collage of more celebs doing the strange hand sign.....
18 it says moz is the all seeing eye and posts a pic of him doing it
19 at the next show moz does the sign blatantly like never before, closes one eye and holds it up in front of his face, then he pulls a face and sgtares at his hand lilke he didn't make his hand just do that!!!!
21 so he does it again TWICE at the next show!
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Morrissey closes down MorrisseysWorld after criticising it in an interview for the 4th time!
1 Morrissey criticises MorrisseysWorld and denies it's his blog for a 4th time!
2 Morrissey shuts down MorrisseysWorld
3 Morrissey promises to reopen only if one of these signs is given:
a moz with red white or blue rose
b wear bieber, cure, spears or atomic kitten t shirt
c says words morrisseysworld at show
4 Morrissey gives a sign
5 MorrisseysWorld goes viral
only question is when will he do number 4?
tomorrow i'll post a proper aticle proving morrissey is morrisseysworld
hopefully the silly fans of morriseysworld will remember their roses and spread the word. Can't they see it's what MORRISSEY wants???
Followingthemozziah has AMAZING post proving it's morrissey's blog using humor and logic... check it out... it's endorsed and linked to morrisseysworld
here it is take a look/... can't be denied
1 Morrissey criticises MorrisseysWorld and denies it's his blog for a 4th time!
2 Morrissey shuts down MorrisseysWorld
3 Morrissey promises to reopen only if one of these signs is given:
a moz with red white or blue rose
b wear bieber, cure, spears or atomic kitten t shirt
c says words morrisseysworld at show
4 Morrissey gives a sign
5 MorrisseysWorld goes viral
only question is when will he do number 4?
tomorrow i'll post a proper aticle proving morrissey is morrisseysworld
hopefully the silly fans of morriseysworld will remember their roses and spread the word. Can't they see it's what MORRISSEY wants???
Followingthemozziah has AMAZING post proving it's morrissey's blog using humor and logic... check it out... it's endorsed and linked to morrisseysworld
here it is take a look/... can't be denied
Sunday, 4 March 2012
amazing 24 hours in morrisseysworld! Morrissey quotes morrisseysworld on his t shirt, kristeen young actually tweeted him! Official approval 100%!
go to MorrisseysWorld and see for yourself how Morrissey was photographed in argentina wearing a t shirt featuring a reference to a tweet he sent as morrisseysworld back in november 2011.
Here is the tweet from november 2011:
@MorrisseysWorld What do you think of the latest Bieber news?? That he may be a father?? :-)@Its_Only_Me_K The immaculate infection becomes the immaculate conception.
@MorrisseysWorld Shattering misconceptions takes much longer thn dream & ear drum shattering. Concepts r bastards, esp. when coupled w/"mis"
@MorrisseysWorld @BozBoorer whoever the other one is. The real Boz is here.
Here is the tweet from november 2011:
and morrissey on tour a few days ago:
SURELY someone will realise now?
Not only that Morrissey tweeted about the falklands just before he made his infamous quote! Even the Sun featured a tweet sent to MorrisseysWorld by Sabine (girl on bike) proving they are monitoring morrisseysworld! Maybe they are scared of libel and don't dare talk about the coincidences?!
BOZ BOORER official tweeted MorrisseysWorld as morrisseysworld and this blog mentioned a while ago and now Morrissey's CURRENT support act TWEETED him back in mid feb! Morrissey retweeted it.
:Morrissey@MorrisseysWorld @KRISTEENYOUNG Looking forward to shattering misconceptions, dreams and eardrums in South America.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Morrissey steps up campaign to publicise MorrisseysWorld blog
MorrisseysWorld @heathercat22 There will be a small surprise
As can be seen above, Morrissey put Boz in drag echoing the MorrisseysWorld blog
Morrissey last night promised a small surprise during the concert at Cordoba through his twitter account and on the blog there was a whole thread dedicated to the concert! It featured two great pics of Morrissey and one of an old newspaper article with 'paint a vulgar picture' on it.
The surprise? Morrissey had Boz in drag, again this comes directly from MorrisseysWorld. Boz had NEVER been in women's clothes until MorrisseysWorld posted the above picture in Summer 2011 on a satirical interview of Morrissey by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross in the Dorchester Hotel, UK! Look here's the link for you guys...
It's funny, go read it!!!
Then Morrissey had his band in hardly any clothes in the next tour, which was a sign about his authorship of MW and we missed it! Now he's making it less subtle!
Look, back in December, the Christmas diaries had the pic featured again! Solomon was a few days alter featrured in Boz's french maid's outfit while he filled in on butlering duties.
Now a few weeks later Morrissey promised a clue and a small surprise on twitter, sets up a thread dedicated to the concert, and has Boz in virtual drag and all the other musicians in the kind of black silky underwear (bras etc) that Boz was wearing in this pic!
Who would have guessed a year ago that Morrissey would publicly deny he runs MorrisseysWorld 4 times in a year? Who would have guessed he'd quote Bieber in honor of the blog? Who would have believed he would announce his all-time favorite album on twitter instead of true to you? Who would guess he'd be doing everything the blog says he'll do! Blog says release album with tacky badge - he does it, blog says boz in drag - he does it !, blog mentions bieber, he quotes him, blog says he'll tour argentina, he does, blog says he'll keep wearing his cosmetic finger bandage after his finger's healed - he does it!!!! Blog says he'll tour US - he does! Blog says someone close to him will tweet him, Boz Boorer tweets him! Blog puts out pic of celebrities doing strange pose - he replicates this!!!!!
Did you notice AGAIN last night he wore red and white shirts as usual? Always red and white? Wonder why?
WHen will you learn?
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Oh just ANOTHER coincidence. EVERYTHING moz does lately comes from the blog ---!
1 looks at this - it's the twitter journal from 2011. On that Morrissey states he will leave his plaster on as a symbol of personal suffering or start using 'cosmetic plasters' - long before he did so. Morrissey wasn't wearing plaster before his concerts and then wore a cosmetic plaster - from the blog.
2 viva hate with its badge? Straight from the blog!
3 attacking the guardian - straight from this blog!
it just goes on and on and that's ignoring the hard evidence elsewhere!
2 viva hate with its badge? Straight from the blog!
3 attacking the guardian - straight from this blog!
it just goes on and on and that's ignoring the hard evidence elsewhere!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
unbelievable - a 4th denial! Are there any lengths Moz will NOT go to publicise his blog?
Morrissey issued another denial he is MorrisseysWorld. This makes FOUR in total. Read between the lines, people. Denying it once is credible. Twice? Strange. Three times? Suspicious. Four times? It's him.
I wonder when the press will finally wake up?
four denials, unbelievable coincidences. The line, "morrisseysworld is dangerous' almost looks purpose-designed to get in the music press - Morrissey labels his own fan site 'dangerous!'
I wonder when the press will finally wake up?
four denials, unbelievable coincidences. The line, "morrisseysworld is dangerous' almost looks purpose-designed to get in the music press - Morrissey labels his own fan site 'dangerous!'
Friday, 24 February 2012
More amazing proofs!!!
Kristeen Young briefly FOLLOWED morrisseysworld on 23.2.2012 - this can be verified via twitter! Perhaps she sent him a message or just wanted to 'muddy the waters?'
Boz Boorer official has tweeted morrisseysworld!
Now Viva Hate to be released with an exclusive badge! Morrisseysworld joked about this TWICE in 2009!
Look at the following links:
look at meat isn't murder anymore - includes tacky badge!
2009 tour journal includes reference to 'getting away' with including a badge in the reissue of kill uncle!
so let's recap:
1 morrissey has denied he runs site THREE times - suspicious or what?
2 morrisseysworld pledged to take off shirt in london, not done at time of writing - fulfilled
3 promised further clue - quoted bieber
4 foreknowledge of US tour schedule/prediction of mexico tour
5 pledged to appear with white rose - morrissey's name by photograph of huge white rose in linder's magazine piece
6 morrisseysworld posts strange picture of celebs with fingers around eyes, morrissey replicates this posture a few weeks later at 'Conan'
7 morrisseysworld lists YOR as greatest album, 24 hours later moz posts same on true to you
8 morrisseysworld says he maight well tour argentina 7 days before tty announcement
9 boy george states it is morrissey
10 johnny marr tweets mw
11 boz boorer official tweets mw (surely biggest clue so far?!)
12 now kristeen follows and unfollows
13 moz attacks guardian, like morrisseysworld, now he puts exclusive badge in viva hate reissue
when will the world wake up?????
Boz Boorer official has tweeted morrisseysworld!
Now Viva Hate to be released with an exclusive badge! Morrisseysworld joked about this TWICE in 2009!
Look at the following links:
look at meat isn't murder anymore - includes tacky badge!
2009 tour journal includes reference to 'getting away' with including a badge in the reissue of kill uncle!
so let's recap:
1 morrissey has denied he runs site THREE times - suspicious or what?
2 morrisseysworld pledged to take off shirt in london, not done at time of writing - fulfilled
3 promised further clue - quoted bieber
4 foreknowledge of US tour schedule/prediction of mexico tour
5 pledged to appear with white rose - morrissey's name by photograph of huge white rose in linder's magazine piece
6 morrisseysworld posts strange picture of celebs with fingers around eyes, morrissey replicates this posture a few weeks later at 'Conan'
7 morrisseysworld lists YOR as greatest album, 24 hours later moz posts same on true to you
8 morrisseysworld says he maight well tour argentina 7 days before tty announcement
9 boy george states it is morrissey
10 johnny marr tweets mw
11 boz boorer official tweets mw (surely biggest clue so far?!)
12 now kristeen follows and unfollows
13 moz attacks guardian, like morrisseysworld, now he puts exclusive badge in viva hate reissue
when will the world wake up?????
Friday, 17 February 2012
Boz Boorer OFFICIAL on twitter TWEETS MorrisseysWorld - if this isn't PROOF that Moz at elast approves then what is?
Still don't believe?

Boz Boorer
@ morrisseysworld @bozboorer whoever the other one is. The real Boz is here.
Come on - are you telling me official Boz hasn't heard of the MorrisseysWorld site? This is an official endorsement, please spread the word!!!!!!!
Thursday, 2 February 2012
MorrisseysWorld says on Twitter '"strange news is just around the corner" - a few days later a Hiroshima date is announced.
check it out
morrissey solo: Hiroshima date announced
Strange news is just around the corner.
22 jan - visible now.
morrissey solo: Hiroshima date announced
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
More bizarre and impossible 'coincidences'
On January 16th, '@LeMapach_' tweeted "Argentina loves you, come here!", to which '@MorrisseysWorld' replied, "I would love to. Perhaps I shall." On January 20th, a statement on the True-To-You website said, "Shows in Columbia and Argentina are expected to be announced next week."
from followingthemozziah
all there and you can read it on twitter....
Moz says he'll tour Argentina, 4 days later true to you announced argentinian dates. And we're expected to believe it's just another coincidence?
Hi Moz!!!!!!
from followingthemozziah
all there and you can read it on twitter....
Moz says he'll tour Argentina, 4 days later true to you announced argentinian dates. And we're expected to believe it's just another coincidence?
Hi Moz!!!!!!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
MorrisseysWorld on twitter says Years of Refusal is his best album on 26.12.2011
On 27.12.2011 true to you listed Morrissey's albums of which he's most proud - number 1 was years of refgusal
just another coincidence?
A few days later the fgollowingthemozziah blog listed the Twitterdilly arms best singles
Then Morrissey posted his favourite singles.
Oh come on
Morrissey has written of the blog 3 times
He quoted bieber at Palladium, in honour of the blog, which a guardian journalist noticed
He took his shirt off as promised on blog, despite never having done so at time of writing
then he promised to appear with white rose - happened when his name next to huge white rose in article by friend linder sterling
Blog announced US tour BEFORE true to you, one day before!
Blog mentioned 2 gigs as 'being important and clues to the author of blog' - BOTH shows postponed/cancelled
BIzarre image posted on blog of celebrities adopting weird pose with hands wrapped around eyes
Morrissey replicates Justin Bieber's bizarre pose at recording of US TV show, photgraphed by fan
MorrisseysWorld attacks guardian since 2009, Morrissey begins attacking guardian in 2011
MorrisseysWorld on twitter announces Years of refusal his greatest album - THE NEXT DAY Morrissey does the same on true to you.
And you think this is ALL coincidence?
On 27.12.2011 true to you listed Morrissey's albums of which he's most proud - number 1 was years of refgusal
just another coincidence?
A few days later the fgollowingthemozziah blog listed the Twitterdilly arms best singles
Then Morrissey posted his favourite singles.
Oh come on
Morrissey has written of the blog 3 times
He quoted bieber at Palladium, in honour of the blog, which a guardian journalist noticed
He took his shirt off as promised on blog, despite never having done so at time of writing
then he promised to appear with white rose - happened when his name next to huge white rose in article by friend linder sterling
Blog announced US tour BEFORE true to you, one day before!
Blog mentioned 2 gigs as 'being important and clues to the author of blog' - BOTH shows postponed/cancelled
BIzarre image posted on blog of celebrities adopting weird pose with hands wrapped around eyes
Morrissey replicates Justin Bieber's bizarre pose at recording of US TV show, photgraphed by fan
MorrisseysWorld attacks guardian since 2009, Morrissey begins attacking guardian in 2011
MorrisseysWorld on twitter announces Years of refusal his greatest album - THE NEXT DAY Morrissey does the same on true to you.
And you think this is ALL coincidence?
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Yet again MorirsseysWorld 'predicts' what Moz does!!! MorrisseysWorld says on twitter refusal is his proudest achievement - a day later moz lists 'proudest achievements' with YOR at number 1!
Still doubt it?
Think of all the coincidences
1 Moz first publicized the blog when no one heard of it
2 MW promised moz strips to waist when not done all tour - does in london just as promised
3 mw promises clue at palladium - quotes biebr mentioned on MW just before show
4 mw announces US tour DAY BEFOIRE true to you
5 MW promises will appear with white rose - name next to huge white rose in magazine article by pal linder sterling
6 MW mentions chicago and oakland shows especially - both postponed days later
7 MW complains about guardian since 2009 - moz starts attacking guardian in 2011!
8 MW says Years Of Refusal proudest achievement.... a day later MOz lists it as proudest acxhievement onm true to you!
If Morrissey wanted he could have listed it number 2 but no - he chose to put it at number one, even though MW listed it at 1 the DAY BEFORE!!!!
He knew this would start us talking again
yes it's true that he said he'd appear with a rose AGAIN but the MWers were bad at throwing them on stage... he probably didn't want to seem like a whore
wake up!
He's written of morrisseysworld THREE times now and still refuses to close it!!
He KEEPS making its predictions come true
when will you learn?
Think of all the coincidences
1 Moz first publicized the blog when no one heard of it
2 MW promised moz strips to waist when not done all tour - does in london just as promised
3 mw promises clue at palladium - quotes biebr mentioned on MW just before show
4 mw announces US tour DAY BEFOIRE true to you
5 MW promises will appear with white rose - name next to huge white rose in magazine article by pal linder sterling
6 MW mentions chicago and oakland shows especially - both postponed days later
7 MW complains about guardian since 2009 - moz starts attacking guardian in 2011!
8 MW says Years Of Refusal proudest achievement.... a day later MOz lists it as proudest acxhievement onm true to you!
If Morrissey wanted he could have listed it number 2 but no - he chose to put it at number one, even though MW listed it at 1 the DAY BEFORE!!!!
He knew this would start us talking again
yes it's true that he said he'd appear with a rose AGAIN but the MWers were bad at throwing them on stage... he probably didn't want to seem like a whore
wake up!
He's written of morrisseysworld THREE times now and still refuses to close it!!
He KEEPS making its predictions come true
when will you learn?
Saturday, 26 November 2011
pathetic morrisseysworld fans
the pathetic morrisseysworld fans keep going with roses and not throwing them.
I dunno.
It's so dumb. Morrissey was obviously waiting for a single rose to be thrown on stage so he could pick it up and wear it... but no faith... so we deserve what we get i guess.
Moz will deny it forever.
All they had to do was throw a rose but they're too pathetic to do so...
so i guess the 'game' is over.
I dunno.
It's so dumb. Morrissey was obviously waiting for a single rose to be thrown on stage so he could pick it up and wear it... but no faith... so we deserve what we get i guess.
Moz will deny it forever.
All they had to do was throw a rose but they're too pathetic to do so...
so i guess the 'game' is over.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
hey guys SPREAD the WORD on twitter - everyone has rose sin their twitter accounts
We ve been following this for ages now... come on someone at least take a chance and throw a rose on stage...
moz might have given his crew insructions NOT to remove it... he might come out and pick it up... this could be the sign he's waiting to give!!!!
If you take a rose, don't keep it to yourself FFS!!
oh by the the bieber thing is apparently a lyric not s song... but it could be s sign
moz might have given his crew insructions NOT to remove it... he might come out and pick it up... this could be the sign he's waiting to give!!!!
If you take a rose, don't keep it to yourself FFS!!
oh by the the bieber thing is apparently a lyric not s song... but it could be s sign
According to reports Morrissey wore a red and a white shirt for the encore on both nights so far - another coincidence?
Morrissey also said, according to reports, including at
"are you feelin' me?"
This is a Justin Bieber song - just check out youtube!!!
Remember the promise... there will hardly be a rose at the first concert but by Oakland the audience will be awash with them....
Moz is giving out a few subtle hints but nothing certain yet.... when will Moz appear with the rose?
When will he wear the t shirt?
Will he say the words welcome to morrisseysworld?
Morrisseysworld is still closed... only the true believers will remain... it's now a proper secret socikety... it doesn't exist on the blog but it still exists in our hearts!!!!
Keep the faith, it's gotta happen soon!!!!
Morrissey also said, according to reports, including at
"are you feelin' me?"
This is a Justin Bieber song - just check out youtube!!!
Remember the promise... there will hardly be a rose at the first concert but by Oakland the audience will be awash with them....
Moz is giving out a few subtle hints but nothing certain yet.... when will Moz appear with the rose?
When will he wear the t shirt?
Will he say the words welcome to morrisseysworld?
Morrisseysworld is still closed... only the true believers will remain... it's now a proper secret socikety... it doesn't exist on the blog but it still exists in our hearts!!!!
Keep the faith, it's gotta happen soon!!!!
Friday, 11 November 2011
OK MorrisseysWorld CLAIMS it's closed but I don't buy it
all the 'coincidences' still exist, all the amazing inside knowledge... what has changed? Only thing is that now the site denies it's moz as well as Moz himself!!! This changes nothing! Moz had already denied it was him... this is all part of the masterplan!
Remember the site predicted white and red roses would fill the audience by Oakland and become the new symbol of being a Morrissey fan.
What is Morrissey gonna do? Maybe he'll come out in a rose at san antonio! Maybe he'll create a massive stir now the site no longer exists! Everyone will be talking, the so low forum will be jammed... omg he wore a rose and a justin bieber shirt!!! OMG WTF! And what will happen? Everyone will say sorry and demand morrisseysworld returns from the dead, everyone on so low will realise... maybe he even WANTS us to put our concert reviews on so low and fill it with discussion about morrisseysworld!!!
Then maybe it wil reopen and take over the world!!
Or maybe not LOL
Only Morrissey knows I guess. The site always said it would take over from so low by christmas.
Remember the site predicted white and red roses would fill the audience by Oakland and become the new symbol of being a Morrissey fan.
What is Morrissey gonna do? Maybe he'll come out in a rose at san antonio! Maybe he'll create a massive stir now the site no longer exists! Everyone will be talking, the so low forum will be jammed... omg he wore a rose and a justin bieber shirt!!! OMG WTF! And what will happen? Everyone will say sorry and demand morrisseysworld returns from the dead, everyone on so low will realise... maybe he even WANTS us to put our concert reviews on so low and fill it with discussion about morrisseysworld!!!
Then maybe it wil reopen and take over the world!!
Or maybe not LOL
Only Morrissey knows I guess. The site always said it would take over from so low by christmas.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
4 days ago MorrisseysWorld promised an announcement was imminent, 4 days later Morrissey announces Chicago show put back until december 17th.
Also MorrisseysWorld announced just 2 days ago that EVERYTHING depended on Chicago and on Moz appearing with rose or t shirt or saying welcome to MW. Then 2 days later Moz announces concert postponed for like the first time ever due to a 'visa admin error!' Oh yeah right!!!! Another coincidence? Sure.
OK The blog says it's closed. But it says if Moz refers to MW without criticising it then blog will reopen but for it to stay open after Chicago Moz will have to appear with red or white rose, wear t shirt of manufactured pop act or say the words welcome to morrisseys world.
Something tells me Moz will give us a sign in the first few concerts and will leave his 'major sign' for chicago or oakland. Remember you gotta wear your rose and by oakland the stage will be carpeted with roses!!!
OK The blog says it's closed. But it says if Moz refers to MW without criticising it then blog will reopen but for it to stay open after Chicago Moz will have to appear with red or white rose, wear t shirt of manufactured pop act or say the words welcome to morrisseys world.
Something tells me Moz will give us a sign in the first few concerts and will leave his 'major sign' for chicago or oakland. Remember you gotta wear your rose and by oakland the stage will be carpeted with roses!!!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Morrissey's statement on once again attacks a Guardian journalist in the manner of MorrisseysWorld calling Tim Jonze a Guardian 'writer!' This is exactly what the blog always does and Moz never did before!!!!
Also the statement about the legal case calls his team 'morrissey camp' which is exactly term used by MorrisseysWorld in the past 2-3 days and has NEVER been used by Morrissey before!!!
Is it just that he's reading morrisseysworld daily and is influenced by it or is it his blog??!? Well we already KNOW it's his blog! You guys will find out later!!! More unbelievable proof below... but now the old articles on blog gone!!!
Also the statement about the legal case calls his team 'morrissey camp' which is exactly term used by MorrisseysWorld in the past 2-3 days and has NEVER been used by Morrissey before!!!
Is it just that he's reading morrisseysworld daily and is influenced by it or is it his blog??!? Well we already KNOW it's his blog! You guys will find out later!!! More unbelievable proof below... but now the old articles on blog gone!!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I know this is a lot to digest - Morrissey has been running a blog for 2 years and nobody noticed? Huh? The truth is he only blogged for a few weeks in 2009 then came back just before his European and UK tour in 2011. Here is all the proof you'll need to realise Morrissey IS Morrisseysworld!! Proofs in order of importance not chronology.
1 in the Live Tour Journal where Moz reviews Justin Bieber's live DVD Never Say Never ironically labelling it brilliant satire, Morrissey says he's realised stripping is fashionable again for pop stars and says "lessons learned from Justin's film? Well, it seems stripping to the waist is in again... and I've been saying for weeks now that I need to strip off a bit more when playing live. With my body, it's a shame not to show it off. Especially when some skinny geek is confident enough to do so... fans, stripping off is back, by popular demand."
". I promise I'll strip for you all at the Palladium - where, incidentally, there are still a few tickets available from all good online stockists. Go on, treat your grandmother."
At the time of writing Moz had NOT stripped off all tour. When he came to London, he stripped to the waist for the first time and fulfilled his pledge to strip to the waist at the Palladium. Kitty Empire of the Observer wrote of this in her live review linked further down.
2 After first taking his shirt off in London, Morrissey bemoaned that still 'nobody believes I am me.' He promised a further clue in addition to taking his shirt off at the palladium: Even when I pledge to strip to the waist for the first time, and then I do strip to the waist, nobody believes I am me. What more do I have to do? he adds "we shall see"
AT the London Palladium he begins his show with the words "Welcome To My World.' As observer/BBC writer Kitty Empire notes, these are the very words Justin Bieber begins his live shows with on the My World Tour reviewed on the blog just a handful of days before. Alternatively the words serve as a coy reference to 'My World' ie, 'Morrissey's World' - the blog. Kitty Empire wrote about this in her Palladium review. Based on these two coincidences alone and the writing style which she called 'A highly amusing parody of Morrissey' - she posed the question "is it him (Morrissey)? Is it superfan Russell Brand?" as the bloger seemed to have advance knowledge of what morrissey's plans were for his London and Palladium shows. Many of the reviews of those attending the Palladium focused on the authorship of the blog and this new 'proof' rather than the show itself at Morrissey Solo. You can see for yourself.
One reviewer states "
Most amazingly Morrissey conclusively proved he is either the author of the website or is in on an in-joke and does know the author. How? Two things. Firstly the blog pledged he would strip for the first time this tour and then he did at the next show, which nobody would have predicted (Morrissey's habits are usually pretty constant in a tour)
But even more hilariously, Morrissey began his concert with the precise words Justin Bieber used on his only world tour. Both Bieber and Morrissey began their gigs with the words 'Welcome to my World' (the name of Bieber's album is 'My World')
---This when the most recent tour diary on the blog focuses almost exclusively on Morrissey's enjoyment of Bieber's live DVD covering music off the 'My World' album.
I'm now convinced and I find it hilarious that he's mocking himself so humorously with that blog. I wonder how many more unsubtle clues he'll have to give before the people on this website realise he's playing a game?
Does anyone seriously believe this choice of words is a coincidence?"
Another states:
"I now believe either the blog is Morrissey's or that he reads it and wants us to think it might be his, or he knows the author and is doing a bit of an in-joke. Who knows? Maybe Russell brand and Morrissey hatched this plan up together, Brand does the blog and it will feature in a future comedy segment on a TV show or something? I don't know but you can't argue with the facts"
Another states:
I have always been skeptical of the site. I just thought it was nothing whatever to do with morrissey, even if it was frequently funny and quite an interesting read. It's basically a very slick parody site, like Alan Clark's diaries that used to be in one of the british newspapers.
Having looked at all of the evidence on the forum that Morrissey is involved with the blog, I'm now actually in agreement and I never thought I'd say this. I don't think he writes the blog per se but you can't credibly claim all those things are coincidences either. At the very least morrissey is an avid reader of the blog and likes it, or more likely actually knows the author of the blog.
3 Morrissey made his first official denial of authorship of the MorrisseysWorld site on 14.5.2011. This was reported here
What was strange at the time was that the site was linked almost nowhere and was getting just a handful of viewers each week according to reports and the blog itself. As someone typed on Morrissey-solo "What really is a mystery is how Morrissey ever heard of the site?? I don't think it was even linked anywhere except on a few recent posts on here, was it?" As Morrissey claims not to 'read these sites' and it wasn't linked anywhere it's strange how it came to his attention and strange that he should give it free publicity when it had so few readers.
4 Having effectively publicised the site with his FIRST denial, Morrissey made an unprecendented SECOND denial of authorship of the site on
1 in the Live Tour Journal where Moz reviews Justin Bieber's live DVD Never Say Never ironically labelling it brilliant satire, Morrissey says he's realised stripping is fashionable again for pop stars and says "lessons learned from Justin's film? Well, it seems stripping to the waist is in again... and I've been saying for weeks now that I need to strip off a bit more when playing live. With my body, it's a shame not to show it off. Especially when some skinny geek is confident enough to do so... fans, stripping off is back, by popular demand."
". I promise I'll strip for you all at the Palladium - where, incidentally, there are still a few tickets available from all good online stockists. Go on, treat your grandmother."
At the time of writing Moz had NOT stripped off all tour. When he came to London, he stripped to the waist for the first time and fulfilled his pledge to strip to the waist at the Palladium. Kitty Empire of the Observer wrote of this in her live review linked further down.
2 After first taking his shirt off in London, Morrissey bemoaned that still 'nobody believes I am me.' He promised a further clue in addition to taking his shirt off at the palladium: Even when I pledge to strip to the waist for the first time, and then I do strip to the waist, nobody believes I am me. What more do I have to do? he adds "we shall see"
AT the London Palladium he begins his show with the words "Welcome To My World.' As observer/BBC writer Kitty Empire notes, these are the very words Justin Bieber begins his live shows with on the My World Tour reviewed on the blog just a handful of days before. Alternatively the words serve as a coy reference to 'My World' ie, 'Morrissey's World' - the blog. Kitty Empire wrote about this in her Palladium review. Based on these two coincidences alone and the writing style which she called 'A highly amusing parody of Morrissey' - she posed the question "is it him (Morrissey)? Is it superfan Russell Brand?" as the bloger seemed to have advance knowledge of what morrissey's plans were for his London and Palladium shows. Many of the reviews of those attending the Palladium focused on the authorship of the blog and this new 'proof' rather than the show itself at Morrissey Solo. You can see for yourself.
One reviewer states "
Most amazingly Morrissey conclusively proved he is either the author of the website or is in on an in-joke and does know the author. How? Two things. Firstly the blog pledged he would strip for the first time this tour and then he did at the next show, which nobody would have predicted (Morrissey's habits are usually pretty constant in a tour)
But even more hilariously, Morrissey began his concert with the precise words Justin Bieber used on his only world tour. Both Bieber and Morrissey began their gigs with the words 'Welcome to my World' (the name of Bieber's album is 'My World')
---This when the most recent tour diary on the blog focuses almost exclusively on Morrissey's enjoyment of Bieber's live DVD covering music off the 'My World' album.
I'm now convinced and I find it hilarious that he's mocking himself so humorously with that blog. I wonder how many more unsubtle clues he'll have to give before the people on this website realise he's playing a game?
Does anyone seriously believe this choice of words is a coincidence?"
Another states:
"I now believe either the blog is Morrissey's or that he reads it and wants us to think it might be his, or he knows the author and is doing a bit of an in-joke. Who knows? Maybe Russell brand and Morrissey hatched this plan up together, Brand does the blog and it will feature in a future comedy segment on a TV show or something? I don't know but you can't argue with the facts"
Another states:
I have always been skeptical of the site. I just thought it was nothing whatever to do with morrissey, even if it was frequently funny and quite an interesting read. It's basically a very slick parody site, like Alan Clark's diaries that used to be in one of the british newspapers.
Having looked at all of the evidence on the forum that Morrissey is involved with the blog, I'm now actually in agreement and I never thought I'd say this. I don't think he writes the blog per se but you can't credibly claim all those things are coincidences either. At the very least morrissey is an avid reader of the blog and likes it, or more likely actually knows the author of the blog.
3 Morrissey made his first official denial of authorship of the MorrisseysWorld site on 14.5.2011. This was reported here
What was strange at the time was that the site was linked almost nowhere and was getting just a handful of viewers each week according to reports and the blog itself. As someone typed on Morrissey-solo "What really is a mystery is how Morrissey ever heard of the site?? I don't think it was even linked anywhere except on a few recent posts on here, was it?" As Morrissey claims not to 'read these sites' and it wasn't linked anywhere it's strange how it came to his attention and strange that he should give it free publicity when it had so few readers.
4 Having effectively publicised the site with his FIRST denial, Morrissey made an unprecendented SECOND denial of authorship of the site on
19 August 2011
Morrissey has no connection with the site called Morrisseysworld.blogspot. Whoever is on this site/page claiming to be Morrissey is certainly NOT Morrissey. Please be warned. Thank you.
Ten US dates for Morrissey will be announced this coming Monday. All dates will take place in November. Morrissey is now represented in the US by William Morris Agency.
Predictably this unneccessary second denial caused the number of daily hits to go from hundreds to thousands.
5 Just a few days prior to the official announcement of a US tour on 19.8.2011, the Morrisseysworld blog stated on 13.8.2011 "I have a US tour to plan." What was impressive was not just the accuracy of the prediction of a US tour - but the timing. A few days later on the 17.8 Morrissey outlined the evidence he was the author and moaned, "having proven conclusively I am me, what more can I do?" On the same day, a tongue-in-cheek 'Daily Mozzer' article appeared about the possibility of the US tour being cancelled due to the cost of pain au raisin!!
On the morning of 19.8 several hours before TTY officially released news that a US tour would soon be announced, MorrisseysWorld talked of Morrissey's "ironic t-shirt tour." A few hours later, it was revealed on TTY that the US tour would be announced the following Monday. This shows obvious inside knowledge of Morrissey's tour schedule and planning.
6 The second episode of 'Aunty Mozzer' joked about Justin Bieber choosing The Wanted over Morrissey for his South American tour because his 'mom said we'd have to have an 18+ rule if we brought a male stripper (morrissey) along and that would rule out most of my fans."
Morrissey's official site true-to-you's only visual image for the tour was a poster for Santa Fe taken from the same series as a picture on the MorrisseysWorld front page for the 'Paris' shoot. The poster states, "all ages! 21+ for the bar." The presence of the exclamation makr appears to be an in-joke referring to the article about requiring an 18+ rule for his live strip show. This is a small thing but all adds to the overall sense of too many coincidences.
7 Although Morrissey appeared with a lot of flowers in the early days it was usually gladioli or other flowers. I don't remember seeing him with roses often or ever in fact. MorrisseysWorld announced there was a plan for fans to wear a single red rose or white rose for the US tour and further said Morrissey "will appear with a rose before Christmas." It also stated a t-shirt of a manufactured artist will adorn his breast though gave no timescale for this. The site urged fans to "keep their eyes and ears peeled" for more clues/coincidences. This was on 2.9.11 and had also been stated earlier.
In later Septmber an interview appeared with Linder Sterling - Morrissey's close friend - in Juke magazine in which comments about Morrissey appeared and a flower resmbling a white rose was pictured by the side of the article! Again this is quite a coincidence - of all the things a flower, of all the flowers a rose, and of all the roses a white rose. Just days after he announced he would APPEAR with a white or red ROSE. The Morrisseysworld site noted yet another coincidence but promised Morrissey himself would appear more literally with a rose in the near future (promised before Christmas)
Nobody has noted all of the above coincidences exscept regular followers of the blog. Most Morrissey fans refuse to visit it because of Morrissey's denials he is the author!
8 Blogpredicted Morrissey would 'continue to deny authorship of the blog in word but prove it in deed' - Morrissey denied authorship for third time on 14.9.2011 at the same time he made another blog prediction come true by criticising the release of Smiths boxset, also predicted in blog and again here . in the first seciton is states, "PPPS I think I'll wait a few weeks before requesting you do not purchase that Smiths box set at a ridiculously inflated price of over £200. On the other hand, as much as I'm against charging the proles inflated rates for luxury goods, don't let me stop you if you can afford it in the meantime. I'm not a judgemental type. Of course your money might be better spent on fighting death and disease in the third world. But ultimately it's your choice and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. So, as I say, I will issue that 'do not purchase' request via, but not just at the mo, if it's all the same to you..." - this prediction was fulfilled by the statement on 14.9 which came along with his 3rd denial he is the author. His second denial also made the prediction of a US tour come true - he seems to make a blog prediction come true each time he denies he owns the blog! This fits in with the words at the top saying "I'll deny it in word but prove it in deed."
9 MorrisseysWorld always criticises the Guardian - most weeks, and maybe 20-30 times in total. It also criticises guardian writers like kitty empire, alexis petridis and kath viner. Morrissey had NEVER specifically criticised the Guardian. And MorrisseysWorld NEVER criticised any other newspaper except the guardian.
MorrisseysWorld promised another clue was imminent and then suddenly Morrissey does a real interview in which he attacks the Guardian newspaper! Unbelievable but TRUE!
10 As well as all the coincidences which can't all be coincidences and at least show Morrissey is involved with the blog or is a regular reader of the blog at the very very least and is playing a game to make it look like his, there is also the writing. How many people could mimic Morrissey's prose style like this or writing witticisms like this on twitter? Or send himself up this dryly?
Please look at the above - you can't really conclude it's not him but you might conclude it is him.
"The joy of music is that it allows one to dream, which in turn allows one to find that grain of hope. Hope is not a moral; it is a life-force. A good song is as abstract as a dream or nightmare, tethered to reality by frayed threads, liable to snap at any given moment. The song drags one out of bed, it pushes one back into bed and it fills the short period in between. The song – to the true lover of music – is birth, death, and that other part we bravely call ‘life.’ Most people cannot live. They are immobilized: by the fear of rejection, by the self-loathing they endure, by a slim conviction that they are unable to love another; and more than anything else by a crippling sense of devaluation imposed by this world on all of us, unless we fit the idealized notion of what a human being should – these days, must - be. These poor souls shuffle, mumble and crumble through the years like shadows. I knew very, very early on that I was one of those souls.
Well, what could I do? I could spend my life with the shadows, pretending to live: a man with a life-sentence to serve, which never quite materializes. Or I could transform myself into a symbol and give up entirely on real life, as they call it. The song becomes the living; the singing becomes the life; the haircut becomes the material body – fading over the years but never quite leaving. And I began just then to write about life the way it really is. I began to write songs for those who cannot live – which is almost everybody. At least in England it is. While the rest of the world at least attempts to live life, we English apologise and queue politely. This – girls and boys – is why we’re so good at the old art thing. Art is nothing but a survival instinct for the English.
When one is desperate and cold, the hardest thing to feel is hope; and yet precisely – and only - when one is desperate and cold, hope is utterly life-transforming. To have absolutely nothing except hope was what sustained me through those nights. When you’re young, tears are precious. They seem to contain the very essence of life. As my tears landed on that newish pine desk, slipping into the cracks in the useless veneer, in that bland, desolate box room, the Manchester rain pattered on the windows and the roof tiles. The flowing motion of water, of rain, of tears is something that can be found in those early songs, as real to me as blood itself. And just as essential. "
Already blocked by numerous celebrities who don't realise who he really is, Morrissey has taken twitter by storm with his wit and elegantly wasted turn of phrase. People are frankly running scared. There's not a person who can match him out there.
A few highlights (editing out any of it is difficult)
On touring...
Golden rule of touring: if you don't care for your audience, no encore; if you like them, one encore; if you really hate them, two encores.
On Elton John...
Singers - simply consider me your Union Rep. I'll represent you all impartially and with gusto. Unless you're Elton John.
I truly hope Victoria Beckham outlives me; the prospect of a tearful Elton trotting out ‘Candle in the Wind’ for a third time is unbearable.
On his Blog/Twitter career...
It's Joaquin Phoenix all over again, minus the breakdown, the publicity, and the rap career. Possibly!
There's, like, a 1 in 7 squillion chance I'll get noticed by JB. I may as well stand on a golf course praying for lightning.
If only one could retweet one's own tweets; but WHO ELSE would try?
If you love me, retweet me.
I have four cards marked ‘blindly insightful,’ ‘brutally idealistic,’ ‘whimsically cynical’ and ‘uproariously melancholic.’ I pick a card at random and type something accordingly.
On self-help...
Blessed with the wit to ask myself all the wrong questions, I quickly realised that to look at oneself is to dislike oneself. After three lifetimes of soul-searching I have discovered the solution is simply to avoid all mirrors.
I’m fenced-in by self-doubt and fenced-out by self-loathing; the grass is always greyer on the other side.
On socialism...
An artist cannot truly be a socialist, for he would sooner live in destitute poverty than endure mediocrity.
On himself...
I'm a punk in a world of mods.
On his career...
If you express your opinions openly the risk of developing cancer is reduced: my entire career is just a very singular public health strategy
It's gratifying to note that I should sell at least 156 copies of my next album - in case any music execs are watching.
In conversation with...
Dalai Lama: Generate great compassion, and you become a friend to the world
Morrissey: You obviously buy your fortune cookies from the same shop as me
Jordan: I have 15 animals
Morrissey: Does that include your husbands?
Morrissey: Jordan's recent book made me question the very principle of state education.
On urinating in public spaces...
Want to know how it feels to be Buster the Jack Russell, stalking the estate in search of Alsatian-related bother and lamp posts to mark? Then simply throw on a dressing gown, put on ‘Cracked Actor’ by Ziggy, and turn up LOUD. “Forget I’m fifty 'cause you just got laid (sic)”
On sexual health...
I’d rather have syphilis than Morrissey-solow. At least syphilis goes away for about twenty years.
On Tony Blair...
If former dictator, war criminal and charmer Gaddafi is to evade the authorities he’ll need to ‘phone a friend’ who knows how – Tony Blair.
I can see Tony and Cherie ending up with their own chat show – Richard and Judy without the brains and the looks respectively
On growing older...
Childhood is spent wishing to be older. Adulthood is spent wishing to be younger. Old age is spent wishing one had wished a little less.
The more sex you have, the less it means. In the end you may as well have been Morrissey as Hugh Heffner.
Still not convinced? Hmm, I don't know what else to say. WHEN he apears with a rose AGAIN and wears a pop act t shirt maybe you'll finally get it... or maybe not. ALl the so-lowers said they'd believe it if he took his shirt off at the Palladium... many more coincidences later and they're still denying it!
Morrissey has no connection with the site called Morrisseysworld.blogspot. Whoever is on this site/page claiming to be Morrissey is certainly NOT Morrissey. Please be warned. Thank you.
Ten US dates for Morrissey will be announced this coming Monday. All dates will take place in November. Morrissey is now represented in the US by William Morris Agency.
Predictably this unneccessary second denial caused the number of daily hits to go from hundreds to thousands.
5 Just a few days prior to the official announcement of a US tour on 19.8.2011, the Morrisseysworld blog stated on 13.8.2011 "I have a US tour to plan." What was impressive was not just the accuracy of the prediction of a US tour - but the timing. A few days later on the 17.8 Morrissey outlined the evidence he was the author and moaned, "having proven conclusively I am me, what more can I do?" On the same day, a tongue-in-cheek 'Daily Mozzer' article appeared about the possibility of the US tour being cancelled due to the cost of pain au raisin!!
On the morning of 19.8 several hours before TTY officially released news that a US tour would soon be announced, MorrisseysWorld talked of Morrissey's "ironic t-shirt tour." A few hours later, it was revealed on TTY that the US tour would be announced the following Monday. This shows obvious inside knowledge of Morrissey's tour schedule and planning.
6 The second episode of 'Aunty Mozzer' joked about Justin Bieber choosing The Wanted over Morrissey for his South American tour because his 'mom said we'd have to have an 18+ rule if we brought a male stripper (morrissey) along and that would rule out most of my fans."
Morrissey's official site true-to-you's only visual image for the tour was a poster for Santa Fe taken from the same series as a picture on the MorrisseysWorld front page for the 'Paris' shoot. The poster states, "all ages! 21+ for the bar." The presence of the exclamation makr appears to be an in-joke referring to the article about requiring an 18+ rule for his live strip show. This is a small thing but all adds to the overall sense of too many coincidences.
7 Although Morrissey appeared with a lot of flowers in the early days it was usually gladioli or other flowers. I don't remember seeing him with roses often or ever in fact. MorrisseysWorld announced there was a plan for fans to wear a single red rose or white rose for the US tour and further said Morrissey "will appear with a rose before Christmas." It also stated a t-shirt of a manufactured artist will adorn his breast though gave no timescale for this. The site urged fans to "keep their eyes and ears peeled" for more clues/coincidences. This was on 2.9.11 and had also been stated earlier.
In later Septmber an interview appeared with Linder Sterling - Morrissey's close friend - in Juke magazine in which comments about Morrissey appeared and a flower resmbling a white rose was pictured by the side of the article! Again this is quite a coincidence - of all the things a flower, of all the flowers a rose, and of all the roses a white rose. Just days after he announced he would APPEAR with a white or red ROSE. The Morrisseysworld site noted yet another coincidence but promised Morrissey himself would appear more literally with a rose in the near future (promised before Christmas)
Nobody has noted all of the above coincidences exscept regular followers of the blog. Most Morrissey fans refuse to visit it because of Morrissey's denials he is the author!
8 Blogpredicted Morrissey would 'continue to deny authorship of the blog in word but prove it in deed' - Morrissey denied authorship for third time on 14.9.2011 at the same time he made another blog prediction come true by criticising the release of Smiths boxset, also predicted in blog and again here . in the first seciton is states, "PPPS I think I'll wait a few weeks before requesting you do not purchase that Smiths box set at a ridiculously inflated price of over £200. On the other hand, as much as I'm against charging the proles inflated rates for luxury goods, don't let me stop you if you can afford it in the meantime. I'm not a judgemental type. Of course your money might be better spent on fighting death and disease in the third world. But ultimately it's your choice and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. So, as I say, I will issue that 'do not purchase' request via, but not just at the mo, if it's all the same to you..." - this prediction was fulfilled by the statement on 14.9 which came along with his 3rd denial he is the author. His second denial also made the prediction of a US tour come true - he seems to make a blog prediction come true each time he denies he owns the blog! This fits in with the words at the top saying "I'll deny it in word but prove it in deed."
9 MorrisseysWorld always criticises the Guardian - most weeks, and maybe 20-30 times in total. It also criticises guardian writers like kitty empire, alexis petridis and kath viner. Morrissey had NEVER specifically criticised the Guardian. And MorrisseysWorld NEVER criticised any other newspaper except the guardian.
MorrisseysWorld promised another clue was imminent and then suddenly Morrissey does a real interview in which he attacks the Guardian newspaper! Unbelievable but TRUE!
10 As well as all the coincidences which can't all be coincidences and at least show Morrissey is involved with the blog or is a regular reader of the blog at the very very least and is playing a game to make it look like his, there is also the writing. How many people could mimic Morrissey's prose style like this or writing witticisms like this on twitter? Or send himself up this dryly?
Please look at the above - you can't really conclude it's not him but you might conclude it is him.
"The joy of music is that it allows one to dream, which in turn allows one to find that grain of hope. Hope is not a moral; it is a life-force. A good song is as abstract as a dream or nightmare, tethered to reality by frayed threads, liable to snap at any given moment. The song drags one out of bed, it pushes one back into bed and it fills the short period in between. The song – to the true lover of music – is birth, death, and that other part we bravely call ‘life.’ Most people cannot live. They are immobilized: by the fear of rejection, by the self-loathing they endure, by a slim conviction that they are unable to love another; and more than anything else by a crippling sense of devaluation imposed by this world on all of us, unless we fit the idealized notion of what a human being should – these days, must - be. These poor souls shuffle, mumble and crumble through the years like shadows. I knew very, very early on that I was one of those souls.
Well, what could I do? I could spend my life with the shadows, pretending to live: a man with a life-sentence to serve, which never quite materializes. Or I could transform myself into a symbol and give up entirely on real life, as they call it. The song becomes the living; the singing becomes the life; the haircut becomes the material body – fading over the years but never quite leaving. And I began just then to write about life the way it really is. I began to write songs for those who cannot live – which is almost everybody. At least in England it is. While the rest of the world at least attempts to live life, we English apologise and queue politely. This – girls and boys – is why we’re so good at the old art thing. Art is nothing but a survival instinct for the English.
When one is desperate and cold, the hardest thing to feel is hope; and yet precisely – and only - when one is desperate and cold, hope is utterly life-transforming. To have absolutely nothing except hope was what sustained me through those nights. When you’re young, tears are precious. They seem to contain the very essence of life. As my tears landed on that newish pine desk, slipping into the cracks in the useless veneer, in that bland, desolate box room, the Manchester rain pattered on the windows and the roof tiles. The flowing motion of water, of rain, of tears is something that can be found in those early songs, as real to me as blood itself. And just as essential. "
Already blocked by numerous celebrities who don't realise who he really is, Morrissey has taken twitter by storm with his wit and elegantly wasted turn of phrase. People are frankly running scared. There's not a person who can match him out there.
A few highlights (editing out any of it is difficult)
On touring...
Golden rule of touring: if you don't care for your audience, no encore; if you like them, one encore; if you really hate them, two encores.
On Elton John...
Singers - simply consider me your Union Rep. I'll represent you all impartially and with gusto. Unless you're Elton John.
I truly hope Victoria Beckham outlives me; the prospect of a tearful Elton trotting out ‘Candle in the Wind’ for a third time is unbearable.
On his Blog/Twitter career...
It's Joaquin Phoenix all over again, minus the breakdown, the publicity, and the rap career. Possibly!
There's, like, a 1 in 7 squillion chance I'll get noticed by JB. I may as well stand on a golf course praying for lightning.
If only one could retweet one's own tweets; but WHO ELSE would try?
If you love me, retweet me.
I have four cards marked ‘blindly insightful,’ ‘brutally idealistic,’ ‘whimsically cynical’ and ‘uproariously melancholic.’ I pick a card at random and type something accordingly.
On self-help...
Blessed with the wit to ask myself all the wrong questions, I quickly realised that to look at oneself is to dislike oneself. After three lifetimes of soul-searching I have discovered the solution is simply to avoid all mirrors.
I’m fenced-in by self-doubt and fenced-out by self-loathing; the grass is always greyer on the other side.
On socialism...
An artist cannot truly be a socialist, for he would sooner live in destitute poverty than endure mediocrity.
On himself...
I'm a punk in a world of mods.
On his career...
If you express your opinions openly the risk of developing cancer is reduced: my entire career is just a very singular public health strategy
It's gratifying to note that I should sell at least 156 copies of my next album - in case any music execs are watching.
In conversation with...
Dalai Lama: Generate great compassion, and you become a friend to the world
Morrissey: You obviously buy your fortune cookies from the same shop as me
Jordan: I have 15 animals
Morrissey: Does that include your husbands?
Morrissey: Jordan's recent book made me question the very principle of state education.
On urinating in public spaces...
Want to know how it feels to be Buster the Jack Russell, stalking the estate in search of Alsatian-related bother and lamp posts to mark? Then simply throw on a dressing gown, put on ‘Cracked Actor’ by Ziggy, and turn up LOUD. “Forget I’m fifty 'cause you just got laid (sic)”
On sexual health...
I’d rather have syphilis than Morrissey-solow. At least syphilis goes away for about twenty years.
On Tony Blair...
If former dictator, war criminal and charmer Gaddafi is to evade the authorities he’ll need to ‘phone a friend’ who knows how – Tony Blair.
I can see Tony and Cherie ending up with their own chat show – Richard and Judy without the brains and the looks respectively
On growing older...
Childhood is spent wishing to be older. Adulthood is spent wishing to be younger. Old age is spent wishing one had wished a little less.
The more sex you have, the less it means. In the end you may as well have been Morrissey as Hugh Heffner.
Still not convinced? Hmm, I don't know what else to say. WHEN he apears with a rose AGAIN and wears a pop act t shirt maybe you'll finally get it... or maybe not. ALl the so-lowers said they'd believe it if he took his shirt off at the Palladium... many more coincidences later and they're still denying it!
interpretation of log lady's (Russell Brand's) comments
Log lady is Russell Brand. Lots of parts of the blog are in his crazed surreal style. Even the BBC journalist Kitty Empire thought he might be responsible for the blog. He is - at least for parts of it.
Russell Brand sent a tweet to David Lynch, creator of the character of Log Lady, just before MorrisseysWorld introduced her.
Log Lady said "**Log Lady's clue: When the blood runs, the white rose becomes a red rose. When the truth settles down, nothing will remain. "
Then she said, ""My log says someone known across the oceans will whisper of this blog before the white rose turns red. Then the world will see MorrisseysWorld."
Then she warned of 3 sharp sounds like 'deathly drum beats." These are the gongs. The drummer often hits the gong three times at the end of meat is murder.
"When you hear the three beats of the 'drum,' you will cheer. The rose will change. A cascade of events will lead to an announcement. Be quiet now, my log wants to speak."
So overall we have this:
1 the rose will change from white to red when "the blood runs" and also when "the 3 sharp sounds" occur. Meat is Murder features 3 sharp sounds and also speaks of blood - so I guess Morrissey will swap his WHITE rose for a RED rose during or at the end of meat is murder
2 you will cheer - people cheer at the end of songs, so this is expected.
3 a cascade of events will lead to an announcement - not sure what this means but some big announcement should happen after morrissey swaps his white rose for a red rose
in oscar wilde's writing, the white rose is purity and the red rose is linked to death and blood.
I hope it doesn't mean Morrissey is going to die on this tour? Or maybe it means his career will die? He will retire? Or amybe announce he's going to retire after his next album?
Boy George repeated, "I really think it's him" when someone asked if MorrisseysWorld is Morrissey.
Also the guardian deputy editor blew Morrissey 'kisses' which some thought meant she now realises it IS Morrissey.
I wonder when the press will finally wake up?
Russell Brand sent a tweet to David Lynch, creator of the character of Log Lady, just before MorrisseysWorld introduced her.
Log Lady said "**Log Lady's clue: When the blood runs, the white rose becomes a red rose. When the truth settles down, nothing will remain. "
Then she said, ""My log says someone known across the oceans will whisper of this blog before the white rose turns red. Then the world will see MorrisseysWorld."
Then she warned of 3 sharp sounds like 'deathly drum beats." These are the gongs. The drummer often hits the gong three times at the end of meat is murder.
"When you hear the three beats of the 'drum,' you will cheer. The rose will change. A cascade of events will lead to an announcement. Be quiet now, my log wants to speak."
So overall we have this:
1 the rose will change from white to red when "the blood runs" and also when "the 3 sharp sounds" occur. Meat is Murder features 3 sharp sounds and also speaks of blood - so I guess Morrissey will swap his WHITE rose for a RED rose during or at the end of meat is murder
2 you will cheer - people cheer at the end of songs, so this is expected.
3 a cascade of events will lead to an announcement - not sure what this means but some big announcement should happen after morrissey swaps his white rose for a red rose
in oscar wilde's writing, the white rose is purity and the red rose is linked to death and blood.
I hope it doesn't mean Morrissey is going to die on this tour? Or maybe it means his career will die? He will retire? Or amybe announce he's going to retire after his next album?
Boy George repeated, "I really think it's him" when someone asked if MorrisseysWorld is Morrissey.
Also the guardian deputy editor blew Morrissey 'kisses' which some thought meant she now realises it IS Morrissey.
I wonder when the press will finally wake up?
Just another coincidence I guess
If you check MorrisseysWorld here you'll see Morrissey gave an interview just a few days after promising another clue and in the interview he attacked the Guardian newspaper, which is one of the things MorrisseysWorld has been doing consistently since 2009. MorrisseysWorld has NEVER criticised another newspaper, onl the Guardian, which it has criticised at least twenty or thirty times.
Morrissey had NEVER before criticised the Guardian.
He promises a clue, and then regurgitates the viewpoint of MorrisseysWorld
It's too subtle. Only those who already realise saw this clue.
But Morrissey has now shut down MorrisseysWorld
only one of 3 things will bring it back:
Morrissey had NEVER before criticised the Guardian.
He promises a clue, and then regurgitates the viewpoint of MorrisseysWorld
It's too subtle. Only those who already realise saw this clue.
But Morrissey has now shut down MorrisseysWorld
only one of 3 things will bring it back:
- Morrissey to appear witha red/white rose
- Morrissey to wear a t-shirt from the MorrisseysWorld poll visible half way down the page
- Morrissey to say the words "Welcome to MorrisseysWorld"
Friday, 30 September 2011
It looks like Morrissey has left twitter/blogger - forever? He says 'watch for the signs' - MARR TWEETS MORRISSEYSWORLD, as did Joyce, Boy George and others
UPDATE on 11th October 2011 - Rmours that Russell Brand quoted @morrisseysworld are spreading. Russell also mentioned David Lynch on his account just before MorrisseysWorld adopted a Twin Peaks theme, and with longstanding rumours made public by journalist Kitty Empire that Russell Brand might be behind the MorrisseysWorld blog, we want to know what it all means!
Also Mike Joyce, Johnny Marr, Boy George, Michael Winner and others have all chatted to MorrisseysWorld and NO ONE WHO KNOWS MORRISSEY has answered any question asking if IT IS HIM. MANY PEOPLE HAVE ASKED JONATHAN ROSS, RUSSELL BRAND, JOHNNY MARR BUT ALL REFUSE TO SPEAK ABOUT IT. Now Johnny Marr has tweeted someone and included Morrissey in on the tweet saying "I am not worthy of your wit" - is this Johnny Marr hinting that he thinks it's Morrissey?
Morrissey PLEDGED to appear with a rose before Christmas
Morrissey also says he will appear in a pop act act t shirt sometime soon.
When one of these happen, he might return.
His final twitter message is: "When you see the sign, tell everyone. Throw your roses on to the stage before the encore. Lots of love. You Know I Couldn't Last. M."
Twitter @MorrisseysWorld 29th September 2011
Morrissey urged fans on his US tour to wear a single white rose or a single red rose devoid of thorns. His blog says they will be checked for thorns at the entrance.
Rumour is roses are the ONLY flowers Moz fans will be able to take in to venues - and must be white or red, not both.
Morrissey proved Morrisseysworld was him.... but no one noticed. Wow, what a strange world.
Also Mike Joyce, Johnny Marr, Boy George, Michael Winner and others have all chatted to MorrisseysWorld and NO ONE WHO KNOWS MORRISSEY has answered any question asking if IT IS HIM. MANY PEOPLE HAVE ASKED JONATHAN ROSS, RUSSELL BRAND, JOHNNY MARR BUT ALL REFUSE TO SPEAK ABOUT IT. Now Johnny Marr has tweeted someone and included Morrissey in on the tweet saying "I am not worthy of your wit" - is this Johnny Marr hinting that he thinks it's Morrissey?
Morrissey PLEDGED to appear with a rose before Christmas
Morrissey also says he will appear in a pop act act t shirt sometime soon.
When one of these happen, he might return.
His final twitter message is: "When you see the sign, tell everyone. Throw your roses on to the stage before the encore. Lots of love. You Know I Couldn't Last. M."
Twitter @MorrisseysWorld 29th September 2011
Morrissey urged fans on his US tour to wear a single white rose or a single red rose devoid of thorns. His blog says they will be checked for thorns at the entrance.
Rumour is roses are the ONLY flowers Moz fans will be able to take in to venues - and must be white or red, not both.
Morrissey proved Morrisseysworld was him.... but no one noticed. Wow, what a strange world.
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